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List of People Subject to Trial by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, 10 August 1937

Description: "List of People Subject to Trial by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR," containing 81 names from the "Moscow Center and Moscow Area. " The signatures approving the list are those of Stalin, Molotov, Kaganovich, and Voroshilov. Voronsky appears as number 12 on the next page.

Translation: Scrawled across the page in red pencil is: "For – I. Stalin, V. M. [Viacheslav Molotov], Kaganovich, and K. Voroshilov."

Comment: Stalin and his cohorts surveyed these many lists, occasionallly crossing off names and adding comments such as "hold for now." Voronsky appeared on this list on 10 August 1937. His trial and execution were held on 13 August.

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