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Handwritten Letter from Voronsky to the TsKK, 11 November 1929

Description: Handwritten the letter from Voronsky to the Central Control Commission of the VKP(b), 11 November 1929, declaring that he is leaving the Opposition. He condemns Trotsky’s activity, especially his activity abroad, and ends by asking to be accepted into the ranks of the Communist Party.



I declare that I am leaving the Opposition. I consider the general line of the party to be correct. I find my factional activity in my past to be incorrect, and renounce it. I also consider incorrect the Opposition’s claim that the party leadership is capable of searching for a way out of difficulties only along right-wing paths. I condemn Trotsky’s activity, including and especially his activity abroad. I remove my signature from factional documents. All resolutions of the leading party organs are obligatory for me. I ask that you accept me into the ranks of the VKP(b).

A. Voronsky.

11/XI/29. Address: Moscow, First House of the Soviets, No. 217.

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