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Books and Dissertations About Voronsky

Cover Description
Author:Gabriela Porębina.

Title: Aleksander Woroński. Poglady Estetyczne i Krytycznoliterackie (1921-1928).

Where Published: Wrocław - Warszawa-Krakow, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.

Year: 1964.

Pages: 147

Author: Robert A. Maguire

Title: Red Virgin Soil: Soviet Literature in the 1920s.

Where Published: Princeton University Press.

Year: 1968.

Pages: 482.

Author: П . В. Куприяновский [P. V. Kupriianovskii]

Title: А. К. Воронский в Иваново-Вознесенской печати (1918-1926). Библиографический указатель. [A. K. Voronskii in the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Press (1918-1926)]

Publisher: Иваново: Ивановский Гос. Университет

Year: 1979

Tirazh: 200

Pages: 24

Author: В. И. Воробченко [V. I. Vorobchenko]

Title: Публицист-Ленинец. Революционно-публицистическая деятельность А. К. Воронского (1911-1918 гг.) [Publicist-Leninist. The Revolutionary-Publicistic Activity of A. K. Voronsky (1911-1918)]

Publisher: Кишинев «Штиинца»

Year: 1986

Tirazh: 1075

Pages: 159

Author: Frederick S. Choate

Dissertation Title: Aleksandr Konstantinovich Voronskii's Literary Criticism.

Where Published: Stanford University.

Year: 1987.

Pages: 362.

Author: И. И. Овсянников [Ivan I. Ovsiannikov]

Title: «Мы шли покорять мир...». Документальная повесть об Александре Воронском. ["We came to pacify the world..." A Documentary Novella About Alexander Voronsky]

Publisher: Voronezh.

Year: 1992

Tirazh: 5000

Pages: 215

Author: Robert Vaagan

Dissertation Title: Iskusstvo videt' prekrasnoe. The Literary Aesthetics of Aleksandr Voronskij 1921-1928

Where Published: University of Oslo.

Year: 1999.

Pages: 440.

Author: Claude Kastler

Title: Alexandre Voronski. 1884-1943. Un bolchevik fou de litterature.

Publisher: Ellug, Universite Stendahl, Grenoble.

Year: 2000.

Pages: 183.

Author: Efim A. Dinershtein

Title: А. К. Воронский. В поисках живой воды. [A. K. Voronskii. In Search of Living Water]

Publisher: Moscow: ROSSPEN.

Year: 2001.

Tirazh: 2000.

Pages: 360.

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