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Works by Voronsky

Books and Pamphlets Published in Voronsky’s Lifetime

Book Cover Description Contents
Frunze Title: Comrade Frunze (Arsenii): On the Occasion of Wrangel's Defeat.

Publisher: Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

Year: 1920.

Copies Printed:

Pages: 16

Lenin Title: V. I. Ulianov (N. Lenin): On His Fiftieth Birthday

Publisher: Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

Year: 1920.

Copies Printed:

Pages: 16.

Na styke, 1923
Title: At the Crossroads. Literary Silhouettes. Articles.

Publisher: Gosizdat.

Year: 1923.

Copies Printed: 7000.

Pages: 352.

Table of Contents:

5. Literary Responses. 37. Contemporary Literary Moods. 49. Literary Portraits: Evgenii Zamiatin; 79. Vsevolod Ivanov; 111. Boris Pilniak. 139. In a Vice. 151. Hard Work. 177. Regarding One Debate. 199. A New Way. 215. H. G. Wells About Soviet Russia. 229. About Hermits, Lunatics and Rebels. 239. From a Diary. 249. Elemental Bolshevism. 265. Songs from the Northern Workers' Land. 277. G. V. Plekhanov. 287. Literary Chronicle. 297. Soviet Russia as Seen by a White Observer. 313. Senility. 321. Hangover. 331. From Populist Utopianism to Counter-revolutionary Kulak Ideology. 339. Social-Democratic Philistinism. 347. The Decline of Ideology.

Iskusstvo i zhizn', 1924
Title: Art and Life. Collection of Articles.

Publisher: Krug.

Year: 1924.

Copies Printed: 3000.

Pages: 327.

I. Art and Life 7. Art as the Cognition of Life, and the Contemporary World (Toward the Question of Our Differences). 58. On a Sharp Phrase and the Classics (Toward the Question of Our Literary Disputes). 72. At the Mountain Pass (Literary Matters). 87. On Proletarian Art and the Artistic Policy of Our Party. 114. A Change of Mind (On Guard #2-3). 122. On the Writers' Group "Smithy" (General Characterization). 176. On the Almanacs of "Krug". 194. In Eternal Battle. 202. On the Writer and Reader. 206. On the Nag of Suffering. 213. Civilizers. II. Current Moods. 219. Regarding One Encounter. 226. On a Platform that Soviet Power is Here to Stay. III. The White Press. 265. The Doomed. 237. Miliukov and the Russian Revolution. 248. Why They Perished. 258. Orthodoxy and the SR's. IV. Political Silhouettes. 265. Russia, Mankind, Man and Lenin. 275. Lenin. 295. Comrade Frunze. 302. Petliura. 306. Boris Savinkov. V. Arabesques. 311. New Tablets. 315. Communism as the Ideal of the Working Class. 319. Human, All-Too-Human. 322. Homeland Hearth. 325. Things and People.
Title: Art as the Cognition of Life, and the Contemporary World.

Publisher: Ivanovo-Voznesensk: Osnova

Year: 1924.

Copies Printed:

Pages: 64.

Lenin i chelovechestvo, 1924 Title: Lenin and Mankind.

Publisher: Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo.

Year: 1924.

Copies Printed: 50,000.

Pages: 64.


3. Lenin.

35. Russia, Mankind, the Man, Lenin.

50. By the Burial Vault

Literaturnye tipy, 1925
Title: Literary Types.

Publisher: Krug

Year: 1925.

Copies Printed: 3000.

Pages: 244.


Literary Types:

5. Maiakovskii. 39. Sergei Esenin. 67. Dem'ian Bednyi. 99. I. Babel'. 119. L. Seifullina. 131. Leonid Leonov. 150. On the Writers' Group "Young Guard" and "October". 177. On "Pereval" and the Perevalists.


183. On Various Themes. 199. Literary Notes. 208. Polemical Notes. 223. Literature and Politics. 235. On the "Current Moment" and the Tasks of the RCP in Imaginative Literature.

Ob iskusstve, 1925 Title: On Art.

Series: Prozhektor Library, No. 8.

Publisher: Pravda

Year: 1925.

Copies Printed: 16,000.

Pages: 62.


5. On Art

34. "The History of the Medeans is Dark and Incomprehensible."

44. "About a Wise Point."

50. Literary Notes

Literaturnye zapisi, 1926
Title: Literary Notes.

Publisher: Krug

Year: 1926.

Copies Printed: 4000.

Pages: 167.


I. 7. Freudianism and Art. 35. On Art. 57. About What We Lack. 73. Knut Hamsun. 90. Scoundrels and Toadies. 96. Tiresome Request of a Writer's Everyday Life. 101. Imaginative Literature and Worker-Correspondents. 110. On Criticism and Bibliography. 113. Outside of Life and Time. 124. Soviet Literature and White Emigration.

II. 135. About One Who Has Passed On. 146. In Memory of Esenin.156. Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze. 159. Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner. 161. V. G. Korolenko.

Za zhivoi i mertvoi vodoi, 1927
Title: In Search of Living and Dead Water. Second edition.

Publisher: Krug

Year: 1927.

Copies Printed: 6000.

Pages: 256.

Literaturnye tipy, 2nd edition, 1927
Title: Literary Types. Second Expanded Edition.

Publisher: Krug.

Year: 1927.

Copies Printed: 4000.

Pages: 268.


7. Foreword


15. Evgenii Zamiatin. 39. Boris Pilniak. 61. I. Babel'. 81. Vsevolod Ivanov. 108. Leonid Leonov. 127. Lidiia Seifullina. 139. On the Writers' Group "Young Guard" and "October". 177. On "Pereval" and the Perevalists.


173. Sergei Esenin. 201. Maiakovskii. 236. Dem'ian Bednyi.

Mister Britling p'et chashu do dna, 1927
Title: Mister Britling Drains His Cup to the Bottom [Mr. Britling Goes All the Way]. Collection of Articles and Feuilletons.

Publisher: Krug.

Year: 1927.

Copies Printed: 4000.

Pages: 231.


Feuilletons: 7. Mister Britling Drains His Cup to the Bottom. 20. A Terrible Crocodile, the Federation of Writers and False Phrases. 38. "In General and On the Whole." 52. One Thunderous Applause.

Critical Articles: 65. On Gorky. 87. Cranes over Gnilopiaty.110. Moonlight Fog (On Sergei Klychkov). 125. Writer, Book, Reader.145. On the Federation of Soviet Writers.157. On Vsevolod Ivanov's Book "Secret of Secrets."161. Old and New (on A. Fadeev). 169. Well on Their Way (on M. Svetlov and I. Utkin). 178. Novikov-Priboi. 184. Striped versts.192. Down with Illiteracy.

Stenograms: 199. From the Past (Speech at the Jubilee Gathering for "Red Virgin Soil"). 206. The Writer and Basic Elements of His Creativity (from a Report to Worker-Correspondents from "Pravda"). 218. From a Report about "Red Virgin Soil."

Iskusstvo videt' mir, 1928
Title: The Art of Seeing the World. Anthology of Articles.

Publisher: Krug

Year: 1928.

Copies Printed: 3000.

Pages: 216.


5. On Artistic Truth.

46. Notes About Artistic Creativity.

81. The Art of Seeing the World.

115. Marble Thunder.

151. Marcel Proust.

162. On Industrialization and Art.

170. Ten Years of October and Soviet Literature.

183. Ways and Crossways.

189. Literary Diary.

209. A Note About Korolenko.

Literaturnye portrety, V.I, 1928
Title: Literary Portraits. I.

Publisher: Moscow: Federatsiia

Year: 1928.

Copies Printed: 4,000.

Pages: 458.


I. 7. Foreword. 17. Andrei Belyi. 64. V. V. Veresaev. 76. Evgenii Zamiatin. 111. V. G. Korolenko. 128. Aleksei Tolstoi.

II. 159. I. Babel'. 191. Sergei Esenin. 260. Vsevolod Ivanov. 302. Sergei Klychkov. 322. Leonid Leonov. 351. Maiakovsky. 401. Boris Pil'niak. 446. Lidiia Seifullina.

Literaturnye portrety, V. II, 1928
Title: Literary Portraits. II.

Publisher: Federatsiia

Year: 1929.

Copies Printed: 4000.

Pages: 327.




Za zhivoi i mertvoi vodoi, Kniga II, 1929
Title: In Search of Living and Dead Water. Book II.

Publisher: Federatsiia.

Year: 1929.

Copies Printed: 10000.

Pages: 270.

Za zhivoi i mertvoi vodoi, Kniga II, Chast' 2, 1929
Title: In Search of Living and Dead Water. Book II. Part 2.

Publisher: Federatsiia.

Year: 1929.

Copies Printed: 5000.

Pages: 240.

Glaz uragana, 1931
Title: Eye of the Hurricane.

Publisher: Nedra.

Year: 1931.

Copies Printed: 7000.

Pages: 196.

Za zhivoi i mertvoi vodoi, 1931 3rd edition
Title: In Search of Living and Dead Water. Book II.

Publisher: Federatsiia.

Year: 1931.

Copies Printed: Pages:

Title: Stories.

Publisher: Moscow: Federatsiia.

Year: 1932.

Copies Printed: 5200.

Pages: 178.


3. From Old Letters.

20. Sleepless Memory.

28. First Work.

43. Bombs.

66. Exhibit.

76. Fedya - Guerilla.

114. Battleship.

129. Prison Trifles.

152. Clouds.

164. From Valentin's Stories.

Title: Stories and Tales.

Publisher: Moscow: Sovetskaia Literatura.

Year: 1933.

Copies Printed: 10000.

Pages: 266.


5. From Old Letters.

17. Sleepless Memory.

23. First Work.

34. Bombs.

50. Exhibit.

57. Fedya - Guerilla.

83. Battleship.

94. Prison Trifles.

110. Clouds.

118. From Valentin's Stories.

128. Eye of the Hurricane.

Za zhivoi i mertvoi vodoi, 1934 Title: In Search of Living and Dead Water.

Publisher: Moskovskoe Tovarishchestvo Pisatelei.

Year: 1934.

Copies Printed: 5200.

Pages: 536.

Zheliabov, 1934
Title: Zheliabov.

Publisher: Moscow: Zhurnal'no-Gazetnoe Ob"edinenie.

Year: 1934.

Copies Printed: 30,000.

Pages: 400.

Note: This book appeared as No. III-IV in the biographical series, Zhizn' Zamechatel'nykh Liudei [Life of Remarkable People], edited by M. Gorkii, L. Kamenev, M. Koltsov and A. Tikhonov.
Gogol 1934
Title: Gogol.

Publisher: Moscow: Zhurnal'no-Gazetnoe Ob"edinenie.

Year: 1934.

Copies Printed: 50,000.

Pages: 415.

Note: This book appeared as No. XVII-XVIII in the biographical series, Zhizn' Zamechatel'nykh Liudei [Life of Remarkable People], edited by M. Gorkii, L. Kamenev, M. Koltsov and A. Tikhonov. It was published in late 1934, but most copies appear to have been destroyed after the arrests connected with the assassination of Sergei Kirov on December 1, 1934. Kamenev, one of the editors of the series, was falsely accused of being responsible for Kirov's murder.
Waters of Life & Death, 1936
Title: Waters of Life & Death.

Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.

Year: 1936.

Pages: 344.

Translator: L. Zarine.

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