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Works by Ter-Vaganian

Articles, Reviews and Books Published in Ter-Vaganian’s Lifetime

This bibliography is by no means complete. As Ter-Vaganian’s widow, Klavdiia Generalova, writes in 1988, "I turned to the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR with a request to find in their archives the nearly finished manuscript of the book about Pushkin written by my husband Vagarshak Arutiunovich Ter-Vagania (1893-1936), as well as his "Bibliography of G. V. Plekhanov," a work of many years which was the continuation of the book published in 1923, "An Attempt at Plekhanov’s Bibliography."

"The reply was not comforting, but it contained advice to turn to the KGB. Here, too, they were very attentive to my request: they inquired in the Kazakhstan cities of Petropavlovsk and Karaganda, places of my arrests in 1937 and 1948, and looked in their archives. Nothing was found anywhere."

Generalova notes that Ter-Vaganian engaged in journalism from the earliest days as a member of the Bolshevik fraction of the RSDLP in Baku in 1912. As far as she knows, his first book was "The Brothers Gracchi," published under the pseudonym of V. Pepel (Vaganian’s favorite hero from Gorky’s works).

Ter-Vaganian also published articles in several journals: "International Youth," organ of the Union of Working-Class Youth of the "Third International," which began publication in October 1917; "Red Virgin Soil," edited by Voronsky; "New World," edited by Polonsky; "Proletarian Revolution," journal of the Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin; "Under the Banner of Marxism," founded and edited by Ter-Vaganian from 1922-23; and "Militant Materialist," also founded and edited by Ter-Vaganian.

As an active member of the Left Opposition, Ter-Vaganian devoted no small amount of attention to the falsification of Party history being carried out by Yaroslavsky and other Stalinist satraps. In 1926-1927, he wrote a number of highly polemical books and pamphlets which have become bibliographical rareties. The titles alone indicate the nature of their content: "Two Comments on Debatable Issues in the History of the RCP(b)," "I Do Not Agree with A Single One of My Opponents," "Fighting Questions of Marxism," "Champions of Nationalistic Cannibalism," "Sowers of Illiteracy and Ignorance," "What Happens When a Philistine Rummages Around in History…"

At the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s, Ter-Vaganian participated in sharp debates over problems of education, producing several major pamphlets on these issues.

When he was in exile in Kazan, he organized a journal, "Enlightenment and Life." He wrote many articles for it under the pseudonyms of V. Valeev, V. Vasiatkin, V. V., and V. Rumii.

Among the many articles in the bibliography below, some are signed in the following way: V. V–ian, V. V., Materialist, and V. Rumii. Although many of Ter-Vaganian’s works have been moved from formerly closed book-repositories to library bookshelves, very few have been republished, and even fewer have been translated. Much work remains in this area, and Ter-Vaganian awaits his first biographer.


Г. В. Плеханов:. "Год на родине"… Полное собрание статей и речей 1917-1918 г. в двух томах. Париж. Изд. Поволоцкого 1921 г., т. I - стр. VIII+248; т. II - стр. 270. Его же. - Речь на московск. госуд. совещании. - Историческая справка. - Давос 1921 г., стр. 32. , «Красная новь», 1921, № 3, стр. 349-351 [рецензия] Текст








Предисловие к:] Две статьи Г. В. Плеханова из болгарского «Социалиста», «Летописи марксизма», 1929, № 9-10, стр. 63-71.


О системе народного образования [On the System of Popular Education]. М., 1930 г., 221 с.



Хачатур Абовян [№ 20, Жизнь замечательных людей], Москва, 1934 г., 320 с.

Works With Uncertain Dates

Ленин о задачах первой русской революции [Lenin on Tasks of the First Russian Revolution].

Works About Vaganian

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