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Photos from Ter-Vaganian’s Life

According to the Russian State Archive of Film and Photodocuments, Ter-Vaganian is the seventh figure from the left in this photo of the Commanding Staff of the First Cavalry Army, ca. 1919-1920. Larger image
Vaganian and Yakovlev, ca. 1920. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian, ca. 1925. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian at Sochi, on the Black Sea, 1926. From a film taken at the time. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian, at Sochi, on the Black Sea, 1926. From a film taken at the time. Larger image
"Shura" Alekseeva, Vaganian’s first wife, in Sochi, 1926. Arrested in 1936 or 1937, and apparently died under extremely brutal torture. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian among a group of Left Oppositionists in Moscow in 1927. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian at the time of his wedding to his second wife, Klavdiia Generalova, in 1928. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian’s widow, Klavdiia Generalova, in Moscow in 1993. Larger image
Ter-Vaganian’s widow, Klavdiia Generalova, in Moscow in 1993. Larger image

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