Soviet Literature Sites

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The documents presented here come from the personal archives of Ter-Vaganian’s widow, Klavdiia Generalova, and from official state archives of the former Soviet Union. Whenever possible, we give a scanned image of the document, a translation of its contents, and comments on the significance of the information provided. Most of the documents were collected during the period of 1991-1995, when access to material in archives in Russia was at times difficult or non-existent. As in other sections of this website, we welcome any additional material that readers may provide.

Larger image Resolution from the Party Control Committee, 22 May 1935, declaring that Ter-Vaganian has been expelled from the Party "for participation in counter-revolutionary Trotskyist work."
Larger image Letter from the Party Control Committee, 5 November 1988, declaring that Ter-Vaganian has been rehabilitated posthumously and reinstated in the Party.

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